Saturday, September 13, 2008

Come Vote. It Really Matters This Time!

Americans have this cool thing going on where they can all collectively choose their leader, as opposed to those other countries that don't. Like the Congo or Myanmar, where leaders (dictators) hold power not won by collective agreement, they just rule from on high and that's the deal, don't argue.
Or Syria and Cuba where there is simply one party governing things, no elections, no November refreshment. Nada.
We here in the US have a gift. Our forefathers and foremothers fought for this right, the comfort of knowing that your participation in the selection process of leadership contributes to the group. We now must take part in this essential process. We register. We vote.
Here Ya Go.
No worries, its easy, 1-2-3 snap. Take care of it. Please.

1 comment:

ClaireWalter said...

Re "Americans have this cool thing going on where they can all collectively choose their leader."

Americans have this cool thing going on where they can collectively choose their state's electors who choose their leader. Alas, the collectivity of the popular vote doesn't always produce the same results as the Electoral College vote. Alas II, the Republicans have done a great job gerrymandering many Congressional districts to be safe for their party at the expense of those that are safely Democratic. Yes, be sure to vote, but as 2000 proved, even popular vote victory doesn't gaurantee (s)election at the end.