Monday, August 25, 2008

DNC, So Green

Earth-friendly and Ready

Denver is looking good! All clean, green, shiny and, despite some scuffles downtown tonight, very friendly. Key events have been scheduled throughout the day, many open to the public/media but previous arrangements seem essential. Then sometimes not. Policies seem to vary.
One refreshing oasis in the overwhelming heat/overload today was The Starz Green Room, over on the Auraria Campus, an enlightened film center at all times, and a hotbed of ideas during these convention-hosting times. Film screenings, open discussions by "informed, involved and involving panelists" makes this a must-get-in.

Getting Around
The best way to maneuver Denver's random, one-way this street, blocked for security that street system is to nab a free bike. The brilliant folks at Bikes Belong Coalition have set up a free bike plan throughout downtown for the week. Did I say free? Forget walking, taxi or rickshaw. Just go in to one of the seven eager stations with your ID and credit card, and within minutes you are rolling out on a brand new cruiser, with a helmet and bike lock in the cute pouch on your (ask for a bell) handlebars. So fun. So green (idling SUV's guys!) So easy. Done playing? Drop the bike at any station. Need to roll? Go grab another. I like it!

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