Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Let's Watch a Movie

I know, I know, I was just raging (yes, Moms are allowed to rage) about spending too much time indoors, but sometimes we need to watch movies. With the family. Rent a DVD that the whole gang can enjoy together, or go for the full screen experience as a group. Not only is this fun but it expands the range of common topics for discussion. Hollywood is hip to this, witness the increase of films designed to entertain on many levels.
Apart from the highly recommended things that are buzzed about, (I am looking at you, WALL-E)) many movies open and close at the multiplex, faster than you can say "where did I put my cellphone." They end up on video rental shelves, along with the other hundreds of multi- million dollar follies, often unknown but to a savvy few. I offer a random selection.
Feel free to comment with any additions.

I don't even remember this gem hitting the theaters last year. A weepy, whimsical mix of The Princess Bride, Pirates of the Caribbean, and other witchy fun things. Go rent it. PG rating.
The Fall
This R-rated recent release was filmed in dozens of countries, the sets and costumes are outrageous and surreal. Nine-year-old, Romanian-born actress Catinca Untar steals the show, look for her on Oscar night.

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