Friday, June 13, 2008

Moms Are Still Working, Study Finds

Despite media noise to the contrary, mothers are still strongly represented in today's workforce. In fact, numbers are up.
Christine Percheski, of Princeton University, found that the number of full-time working mothers born between 1966 and 1975 has risen to 38 percent, up from 5.6 percent among women born between 1926 and 1935.

"What's amazing is that women who chose to work are not spending less time with their children, but they're decreasing the time they spend sleeping, the time they spend on leisure activities, and the time they spend in civic participation," she said.

There has also been changes on the home front, as if we don't already see that.

"The shift in the working dynamic has meant a renegotiation in gender roles in the family, such as men picking up more of the housework," said Percheski.

In fact, The New York Times runs a major "gee whiz" story on this very phenomenon.

So shouldn't Mother's Day be extended, maybe a full week next year?

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